High School Graduation: 2025
Dana Williams
Middle Infield
Right-Handed Pitcher
Houston, TX, USA
Tell us about yourself...
Hello, my name is Dana Williams Jr. I attend Bo Porter Baseball Academy in Houston, Texas. I just turned 17 in September. I started playing baseball when I was about 7 or 8 years old and have fallen in love with it ever since. I live in Texas, and it is just me and my mom; it has been like that since I was five.
Atlanta 2023
How did you find out about the eda?
Derek Del Rosal told me about the EDA Combine and program. I competed at The Pro Youth Foundation HBCU/All College Baseball Showcase Camp in Atlanta, GA, on September 23, 2023, where I met Derek. I've only known Derek for about two months.
A scholarship is like having the world in my hands. It makes me feel like I am capable of surpassing the goals I set for myself. Receiving a scholarship won't only make me extremely happy but also my mother, and my mother is my why. She is why I push myself to my limits: because I want to give her back everything she gave me and more.
Share a little bit about your background...
My background is pretty simple. I come from a family that isn't really on the wealthy side of things, but we always find a way to provide and protect. I have also gone through challenges on and off the field, like dealing with anger and failure. I've overcome this by getting a better relationship with God and focusing on myself rather than what others think.
tell us one fun fact about yourself...
One fun fact is that I can squat 425 pounds at 185 pounds.
What career would you like to do?
I want to be a Major League Baseball player for many years, and after I want to stay in the sports field as either Sports Management or Athletic Trainer.